RAM Digital, Inc. specializes in the development and deployment of websites, software and media applications. RAM Digital is centrally located in Maryland, between Baltimore and Washington. We are a small company supplemented by partnerships with a network of small and midsize companies who are deploying leading edge technologies and applications.

Self assessment application
The “Disability Rating Estimator” self assessment tool is part of the Military’s Wounded Warrior project. The tool enables an injured soldier to generate accurate disability ratings by using a simple, user-friendly application. Behind the application, over fifteen thousand lines of programming code drive the intuitive interface.

mini-CD and Internet Application
The Computer Coalition for Responsible Exports, a major Washington D.C. advocacy group, used this mini-CD as part of their information and education initiative for Capitol Hill legislators and their staff. After it’s initial release, the application was deployed over the Internet for IBM’s innovative technology website.

Online and CD-ROM Game
Rusty’s Garage: The client needed an entertaining way to engage preschoolers and introduce them (and their parents) to Rusty. The Rusty character is featured in a series of children’s DVDs that teach safety tips. We used animation, interactivity and sound to create two games for the client.

Website and user interface
We worked with the Army to create a one stop location for up-to-date military benefits information. The website is used by all Soldiers (Regular Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve), Family Members, retirees and the general public. We created the look & feel, content design and the user-friendly interface for the site.

Electric publications (online, ePUB, iBook…) are an exciting development in the digital publishing world. We’ve completed and deployed a number of publications in an interactive framework for this national educational client . The client tracks access to the publications and noted a significant increase in audience over the same publications provided in PDF format.

Interactive Application
This simulation is part of a USDA Distance Learning project created to teach dairy farmers how to employ certain risk management techniques. We were tasked with converting the entire instructor-led seminar for online eLearning delivery.

CD-ROM Catalog
Superior Tattoo needed a way to update and improve their product marketing, while decreasing catalog printing costs. We produced a cross-platform CD catalog that includes over 1700 products, as well as videos, animations, and a complete shopping cart / order form.

Screensavers and Animated Presentation
The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion wanted an innovative way to market their “Power Up” campaign. We produced a series of animations and screensavers based on the client’s Power Panther character. (powered by GRDS)